Starting from the innovative research of three PhD students in Giovanni Grasselli’s Geomechanics Group, Geomechanica Inc. has been named a top Toronto-based Civil Engineering start-up of 2021! Geomechanica Inc. stands with other successful construction and technical engineering design start-ups such as Kinetica Dynamics, Menkes, and Dragados Canada. Based on criteria such as innovative work, growth over time, management and societal impact, Geomechanica’s work in fully coupled numerical modelling along with critical infrastructural lab testing of geomaterials has been recognized as one of the top in their field. Since the beginning of hybrid Finite-Discrete Modelling (FDEM), the nascent development of YGEO into a full parallelized, commercial software with continuous development can be accredited to Geomechanica. Since then, developments on hydraulic coupling, excavation conditions, and ability for incorporating user customizable formulations into complex algorithms are just some of the novel additions the group has been able to incorporate for a consumer level FDEM software, Irazu. Congratulations Geomechanica Inc., for continuously leading in your field, your hard work will not go unnoticed!