Monday (May 11, 2009) Afternoon

Introduction (14:00-14:15)

Welcome to ROCKENG09

G. Grasselli, Chair, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Plenary Keynote 1 (14:15-15:00)

Challenges facing ground control engineers in a hostile mining environment

W.F. Bawden, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Plenary Keynote 2 (15:00-15:45)

Designing underground excavations for a nuclear waste repository: Old Issues and New Approaches

Derek Martin, Dept. Civil & Environmental Engineering – University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada

Plenary Keynote 3 (16:00-16:45)

The numerical analyses toolbox in geomechanics - the present and the future

Joe Carvalho, Golder Associates Ltd.

Plenary Keynote 4 (16:45-17:30)

Integrated risk management of rock slopes

D.J. Hutchinson, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada