Surface Roughness Calculator
Many roughness parameters exist to characterize the geometry of surfaces. These can be used to estimate the effects of roughness on surface contact mechanisms such as shear strength and fluid flow. However, an abundant number of roughness parameters exist and are tedious to calculate. As such, this program was created to provide a platform for roughness parameter calculation and to alleviate the time and effort put into processing roughness.
If you plan to use this software, it has to be cited as:
Magsipoc, E., Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2020). 2D and 3D Roughness Characterization. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53, 1495–1519.

This software is no longer being actively supported. Please refer to Geomechanica Inc.’s website for a commercialized GPU accelerated version (Irazu) of FDEM.
2D Geomechanical FDEM Code (Y-Geo) and Graphical User-Interface (Y-GUI)
Y-Geo is a 2D geomechanical numerical code based on the combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM) developed by Dr. Antonio Munjiza. FDEM is a unique numerical method that combines aspects of the finite element method (FEM) and discrete element method (DEM). As such, the method is capable of simulating the transition of a continuum to a discontinuum and capture the progressive damage and failure processes of rock. If you plan to use this software, it has to be cited as:
Mahabadi, O. K., Lisjak, A., Munjiza, A., & Grasselli, G. (2012). Y-Geo: New Combined Finite-Discrete Element Numerical Code for Geomechanical Applications. International Journal of Geomechanics, 12(6), 676–688.
To make the 2D version of the FDEM code more user-friendly a Graphical User-Interface (GUI) was developed by Omid K. Mahabadi. Y-GUI has been coded using Microsoft Visual C# 2005. Thus, it is a MS windows-based program that is compatible with Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2000 SP4, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows 98, Windows CE. In order to run the application, you must have Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 or higher. Y-GUI is a courtesy of Omid Khajeh Mahabadi who coded it.
If you plan to use this software, it has to be cited as:
Mahabadi, O. K., Grasselli, G., & Munjiza, A. (2010). Y-GUI: A graphical user interface and pre-processor for the combined finite-discrete element code, Y2D, incorporating material heterogeneity. Computers & Geosciences, 36(2), 241–252.

This software is no longer being actively supported.
ROCKTOPPLE: A Spreadsheet-based Program for Probabilistic Block Toppling Analysis
This program computes the probability of slope failure for rock slopes subject to the block toppling mode of failure. The analysis considers both kinematic and kinetic stability conditions. The adopted analysis procedure is based on the limit equilibrium approach proposed by Goodman and Bray (1976). However, it has been modified to allow probabilistic analysis via a Monte Carlo simulation. Geometric and shear strength parameters of the rock slope defined by the user as either fixed values or probability distributions. Average (mean and median) factor of safety and probability of kinematic and kinetic block toppling slope failure.
If you plan to use this software, it has to be cited as:
Tatone, B. S. A., & Grasselli, G. (2010). ROCKTOPPLE: A spreadsheet-based program for probabilistic block-toppling analysis. Computers & Geosciences, 36(1), 98–114.