Qi Zhao

PhD Graduate

Assistant Professor – Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Zhao, Q., Tisato, N., Abdelaziz, A., Ha, J., & Grasselli, G. (2023). Numerical investigation of progressive damage and associated seismicity on a laboratory fault. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 167(105392).
Sun, L., Tang, X., Aboayanah, K. R., Zhao, Q., Liu, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2023). A coupled cryogenic thermo-hydro-mechanical model for frozen medium: Theory and implementation in FDEM. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
Li, X., Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2022). The Pulverization Mechanism of Host Rocks Induced in Faulting: Insights from Grain-scale Fracturing.
Chen, Y., Ma, G., Zhou, W., Wei, D., Zhao, Q., Zou, Y., & Grasselli, G. (2021). An enhanced tool for probing the microscopic behavior of granular materials based on X-ray micro-CT and FDEM. Computers and Geotechnics, 132, 103974.
Zhao, Q., Glaser, S. D., Tisato, N., & Grasselli, G. (2020). Assessing Energy Budget of Laboratory Fault Slip Using Rotary Shear Experiments and Micro‐Computed Tomography. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(1).
Magsipoc, E., Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2019). 2D and 3D Roughness Characterization. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53(3), 1495–1519.
Wei, W., Zhao, Q., Jiang, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2019). A New Contact Formulation for Large Frictional Sliding and Its Implement in the Explicit Numerical Manifold Method. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 53(1), 435–451.
Zhao, Q., Glaser, S. D., Tisato, N., & Grasselli, G. (2019). Assessing Energy Budget of Laboratory Fault Slip Using Quantitative Micro-CT Image Analysis (p. 6). Presented at the 53rd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA: American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA).
He, T.-M., Zhao, Q., Ha, J., Xia, K., & Grasselli, G. (2018). Understanding progressive rock failure and associated seismicity using ultrasonic tomography and numerical simulation. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 81, 26–34.
Abdelaziz, A., Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2018). Grain based modelling of rocks using the combined finite-discrete element method. Computers and Geotechnics, 103, 73–81.
Zhao, Q., He, T. M., Ha, J., Xia, K., & Grasselli, G. (2018). Dataset for time-lapse ultrasonic tomography of a granite slab under uniaxial compression test. Data Brief, 20, 614–616.
Zhao, Q., Tisato, N., Kovaleva, O., & Grasselli, G. (2018). Direct Observation of Faulting by Means of Rotary Shear Tests Under X-Ray Micro-Computed Tomography. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(9), 7389–7403.
Zhao, Q., Tisato, N., & Grasselli, G. (2018). Rotary shear test under X-ray micro-computed tomography. Presented at the 52nd U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Seattle: American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA).
Zhou, H., Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2018). Dilation of rock joints based on quantified surface description. Presented at the Geoconvention 2018, Calgary.
Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2018). Understanding shear behaviour of a rough joint using surface topography scan and numerical simulation. Presented at the Geoconvention 2018, Calgary.
Wei, W., Zhao, Q., Jiang, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2018). Three new boundary conditions for the seismic response analysis of geomechanics problems using the numerical manifold method. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 105, 110–122.
Kalogerakis, G. C., Zhao, Q., Grasselli, G., & Sleep, B. E. (2018). In situ chemical oxidation processes: 4D quantitative visualization of byproduct formation and deposition via micro-CT imaging. The Leading Edge, 37(6), 462–467.
Zhao, Q., Abdelaziz, A., He, T.-M., Xia, K., & Grasselli, G. (2017). Understanding progressive rock failure using ultrasonic tomography and numerical simulation. Presented at the ISRM Progressive Rock Failure Conference, Ascona, Switzerland: International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
Zhou, H., Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2017). Assessment of the detectability of localized strong attenuation zones through finite-difference waveform modelling. Presented at the Geoconvention 2017, Calgary.
Zhao, Q., Tisato, N., & Grasselli, G. (2017). Rotary shear experiments under X-ray micro-computed tomography. Rev Sci Instrum, 88(1), 015110.
Zhou, H., Abdelaziz, A., Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2017). Simulating realistic rock behaviour using the combined finite-discrete element method.
Huang, X., Zhao, Q., Qi, S., Xia, K., Grasselli, G., & Chen, X. (2016). Numerical Simulation on Seismic Response of the Filled Joint under High Amplitude Stress Waves Using Finite-Discrete Element Method (FDEM). Materials (Basel), 10(1), 13.
Tisato, N., Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2016). Experimental rock physics under micro-CT. In C. Sicking & J. FergusonSicking (Eds.), SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts (Vol. 35, pp. 3251–3255). Presented at the SEG International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting, SEG 2016, Dallas, Texas: Society of Exploration Geophysicists.Scopus.
Tisato, N., Zhao, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2016). Experimental rock deformation under micro-CT - Two new apparatuses for rock physics. In C. Kuwait Petroleum, Subsidiaries, Omv, A. Saudi, & Shell (Eds.), 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016: Efficient Use of Technology - Unlocking Potential. Presented at the 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2016: Efficient Use of Technology - Unlocking Potential, Vienna, Austria.: European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE.Scopus.
Tisato, N., Chapman, S., Zhao, Q., Grasselli, G., & Quintal, B. (2015). Seismic wave attenuation in rocks saturated with bubbly liquids: Experiments and numerical modeling. In R. V. Schneider (Ed.), SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts (Vol. 34, pp. 3254–3258). Presented at the SEG New Orleans Annual Meeting, SEG 2015, New Orleans, Louisiana: Society of Exploration Geophysicists.Scopus.
Zhao, Q., Tisato, N., Grasselli, G., Mahabadi, O. K., Lisjak, A., & Liu, Q. (2015). Influence ofin situstress variations on acoustic emissions: a numerical study. Geophysical Journal International, 203(2), 1246–1252.
Zheng, L., Zhao, Q., Milkereit, B., Grasselli, G., & Liu, Q. (2014). Spectral-element simulations of elastic wave propagation in exploration and geotechnical applications. Earthquake Science, 27(2), 179–187.Scopus.
Lisjak, A., Liu, Q., Zhao, Q., Mahabadi, O. K., & Grasselli, G. (2014). Erratum: Numerical simulation of acoustic emission in brittle rocks by two-dimensional finite-discrete element analysis. Geophysical Journal International, 196(2), 1263–1263.Scopus.
Zhao, Q., Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O. K., Liu, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2014). Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracturing and associated microseismicity using finite-discrete element method. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 6(6), 574–581.
Grasselli, G., Zhao, Q., Lisjak, A., & Liu, Q. (2013). Numerical simulation of acoustic emission in rocks using FEM/DEM. Presented at the 1st International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Lisjak, A., Liu, Q., Zhao, Q., Mahabadi, O. K., & Grasselli, G. (2013). Numerical simulation of acoustic emission in brittle rocks by two-dimensional finite-discrete element analysis. Geophysical Journal International, 195(1), 423–443.
Grasselli, G., Zhao, Q., Lisjak, A., & Liu, Q. (2013). Numerical simulation of acoustic emission in rocks using FEM/DEM. Rock Dynamics and Applications - State of the Art (pp. 149–159). CRC Press.Scopus.