Omid Khajeh Mahabadi
Mahabadi, O.
Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O. K., He, L., Tatone, B. S. A., Kaifosh, P., Haque, S. A., & Grasselli, G. (2018). Acceleration of a 2D/3D finite-discrete element code for geomechanical simulations using General Purpose GPU computing. Computers and Geotechnics, 100, 84–96.Scopus.
Lisjak, A., Kaifosh, P., He, L., Tatone, B. S. A., Mahabadi, O. K., & Grasselli, G. (2017). A 2D, fully-coupled, hydro-mechanical, FDEM formulation for modelling fracturing processes in discontinuous, porous rock masses. Computers and Geotechnics, 81, 1–18.Scopus.
Alcolea, A., Kuhlmann, U., Marschall, P., Lisjak, A., Grasselli, G., Mahabadi, O. K., de La Vaissière, R., et al. (2017). A pragmatic approach to abstract the excavation damaged zone around tunnels of a geological radioactive waste repository: application to the HG-A experiment in Mont Terri. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 443(1), 127–147.Scopus.
Mahabadi, O. K., Lisjak, A., He, L., Tatone, B. S. A., Kaifosh, P., & Grasselli, G. (2016). Development of a new fully-parallel finite-discrete element code: Irazu. 50th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2016 (Vol. 4, pp. 2695–2703). Presented at the 50th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, Texas: American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA).Scopus.
Lisjak, A., Tatone, B. S. A., Kaifosh, P., He, L., Mahabadi, O. K., & Grasselli, G. (2016). Development of a fully-coupled, hydro-mechanical model for finite-discrete element simulations of fluid-driven fracturing. 50th U.S. Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium 2016 (Vol. 1, pp. 818–828). Presented at the 50th U.S. Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, Houston, Texas: American Rock Mechanics Association (ARMA).Scopus.
Lisjak, A., Tatone, B. S. A., Mahabadi, O. K., Grasselli, G., Vietor, T., & Marschall, P. (2015). Simulating the mechanical re-compaction of the EDZ in an indurated claystone (Opalinus clay). ISRM Regional Symposium, EUROCK 2015 (pp. 639–644). Presented at the ISRM Regional Symposium-EUROCK 2015, Salzburg, Austria: International Society for Rock Mechanics.Scopus.
Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O. K., Grasselli, G., Marschall, P., Müller, H. R., Garitte, B., & Vietor, T. (2015). The excavation damaged zone in Clay Shales: New rock mechanics insights from discontinuum numerical modelling. In Hassani, Hadjigeorgiou, & Archibald (Eds.), 13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics (Vol. 2015-MAY, pp. 1–10). Presented at the 13th ISRM International Congress of Rock Mechanics 2015, Montreal, Canada: International Society for Rock Mechanics.Scopus.
Lisjak, A., Tatone, B. S. A., Mahabadi, O. K., Grasselli, G., Marschall, P., Lanyon, G. W., Vaissière, R. de la, et al. (2015). Hybrid Finite-Discrete Element Simulation of the EDZ Formation and Mechanical Sealing Process Around a Microtunnel in Opalinus Clay. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 49(5), 1849–1873.Scopus.
Zhao, Q., Tisato, N., Grasselli, G., Mahabadi, O. K., Lisjak, A., & Liu, Q. (2015). Influence ofin situstress variations on acoustic emissions: a numerical study. Geophysical Journal International, 203(2), 1246–1252.
Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O. K., Kaifosh, P., Vietor, T., & Grasselli, G. (2014). A preliminary evaluation of an enhanced FDEM code as a tool to simulate hydraulic fracturing in jointed rock masses. In N. Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Minas del, P. Deputacion de, Geobrugg, Sibelco, & et al. (Eds.), Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses - Proceedings of EUROCK 2014, ISRM European Regional Symposium (pp. 1427–1432). Presented at the 2014 ISRM European Regional Symposium on Rock Engineering and Rock Mechanics: Structures in and on Rock Masses, EUROCK 2014, Vigo, Spain: Taylor and Francis - Balkema.Scopus.
Mahabadi, O. K., Tatone, B. S. A., & Grasselli, G. (2014). Influence of microscale heterogeneity and microstructure on the tensile behavior of crystalline rocks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(7), 5324–5341.Scopus.
Grasselli, G., Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O. K., & Tatone, B. S. A. (2014). Influence of pre-existing discontinuities and bedding planes on hydraulic fracturing initiation. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 19(5), 580–597.Scopus.
Lisjak, A., Liu, Q., Zhao, Q., Mahabadi, O. K., & Grasselli, G. (2014). Erratum: Numerical simulation of acoustic emission in brittle rocks by two-dimensional finite-discrete element analysis. Geophysical Journal International, 196(2), 1263–1263.Scopus.
Zhao, Q., Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O. K., Liu, Q., & Grasselli, G. (2014). Numerical simulation of hydraulic fracturing and associated microseismicity using finite-discrete element method. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 6(6), 574–581.
Lisjak, A., Liu, Q., Zhao, Q., Mahabadi, O. K., & Grasselli, G. (2013). Numerical simulation of acoustic emission in brittle rocks by two-dimensional finite-discrete element analysis. Geophysical Journal International, 195(1), 423–443.
Grasselli, G., Lisjak, A., Tatone, B. S. A., & Mahabadi, O. K. (2012). Numerical study of the influence of pre-existing features on the hydraulic fracturing process using FEM/DEM. Presented at the ALERT Workshop – “Geomechanics for energy production,” grasselli2012numerical.
Lisjak, A., Tatone, B. S. A., Mahabadi, O. K., & Grasselli, G. (2012). Block caving modelling using the Y-Geo hybrid finite-discrete element code. Presented at the 6th International Conference and Exhibition on Mass Mining (MassMin 2012), Sudbury, Canada.
Mahabadi, O. K., Randall, N. X., Zong, Z., & Grasselli, G. (2012). A novel approach for micro-scale characterization and modeling of geomaterials incorporating actual material heterogeneity. Geophysical Research Letters, 39(1), n/a-n/a.
Mahabadi, O. K. (2012). Investigating the Influence of Micro-scale Heterogeneity and Microstructure on the Failure and Mechanical Behaviour of Geomaterials (PhD Thesis). University of Toronto.
Mahabadi, O. K., Lisjak, A., Munjiza, A., & Grasselli, G. (2012). Y-Geo: New Combined Finite-Discrete Element Numerical Code for Geomechanical Applications. International Journal of Geomechanics, 12(6), 676–688.
Grasselli, G., Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O. K., & Tatone, B. S. A. (2011). Slope stability analysis using a hybrid Finite-Discrete Element method code (FEMDEM). Presented at the 12th ISRM Congress, Beijing, China: International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
Manzella, I., Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O. K., & Grasselli, G. (2011). Influence of initial block packing on rock avalanche flow and emplacement mechanisms through FEM/DEM simulations. Pan-Am Canadian Geotechnical Society Geotechnical Conference.
Mahabadi, O. K., Cottrell, B. E., & Grasselli, G. (2010). An Example of Realistic Modelling of Rock Dynamics Problems: FEM/DEM Simulation of Dynamic Brazilian Test on Barre Granite. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 43(6), 707–716.
Tatone, B. S. A., Lisjak, A., Mahabadi, O. K., Grasselli, G., & Donnelly, C. (2010). Evaluation of the combined finite element-discrete element method for the assessment of gravity dam stability (Vol. 1509). Presented at the 2010 Canadian Dam Association Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Mahabadi, O. K., Lisjak, A., Grasselli, G., Lukas, T., & Munjza, A. (2010). Numerical modelling of a triaxial test of homogeneous rocks using the combined finite-discrete element method (pp. 173–176). Presented at the ISRM International Symposium-EUROCK 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland: International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering.
Mahabadi, O. K., Grasselli, G., & Munjiza, A. (2010). Y-GUI: A graphical user interface and pre-processor for the combined finite-discrete element code, Y2D, incorporating material heterogeneity. Computers & Geosciences, 36(2), 241–252.
Mahabadi, O. K., Grasselli, G., & Munjiza, A. (2009). Numerical modelling of a Brazilian Disc test of layered rocks using the combined finite-discrete element method. Presented at the RockEng09, Toronto, Canada.
Grasselli, G., Munjiza, A., Cottrell, B., & Mahabadi, O. K. (2009). FEM/DEM Simulation of Dynamic Brazilian Tests. ISRM News Journal, 12, 80–83.