Katia Ossetchkina

MASc Student


Katia started her MASc in Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto in 2021, supervised by Professor Peterson and Professor Grasselli. She completed her BASc in 2019 also at the University of Toronto, majoring in Civil Engineering with two minors in Environmental Engineering and Philosophy.
Katia has two years of civil engineering research experience, focusing on microscopy, digital imaging, and petrography to investigate the durability of building materials, as well as automation of image analysis and data collection.
She also has three years of professional experience with Procter & Gamble as an Application and Data Engineer In Training, where she worked directly with finance and product supply teams to develop integrated middle-ware applications, and automated data validation, platform performance monitoring and testing processes. 
Her research interests include (but are not limited to): digital and optical imaging techniques, geothermal energy, sustainable materials, and fracture modelling.   
December 2022
December 2022

Invited Talk

Invited talk on "Digging Through Snow-Plow Data: Evaluating Toronto’s Response to Winter Storms" as part of the Technical presentation for Canadian Society for Civil Engineering - Toronto Section.
May 2022
May 2022

Conference Paper

Published a Conference Paper at the 18th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials (EMABM) titled "Automated Quantification of Fracture Networks in Thermally Treated Granite"

May 2022
May 2022


Started 8-month Internship at Suncor Canada as an Advanced Analytics Student for In-Situ Operations.

April 2022
April 2022


Nominated as Executive Member - Data Analytics in the Canadian Society for Civil Engineers - Toronto Section (CSCE).

April 2022
April 2022


Received the Canada Graduate Scholarships - Masters (CGS-M) award from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)

September 2021
September 2021


Received the Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)
September 2021
September 2021


Joined as a MASc Student


Ossetchkina, E., Popoola, A., Aboayanah, K. R., Zhao, P., Peterson, K., & Grasselli, G. (2022). From Grain to Element: Thermal Fracturing Experiments to Build Better Grain-Based FDEM Models.
Ossetchkina, E., Asmaryan, H., Younes, J., & Grubas, S. (2022). A Feasibility Case-Study of Implementing District Heating for the Dene Tha’ First Nations.
Ossetchkina, E., Popoola, A., Aboayanah, K. R., de Boer, T., Magsipoc, E., Younes, J., Peterson, K., et al. (2022). Automated Quantification of Fracture Networks in Thermally Treated Granite. Presented at the 18th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, Lille, France: EMABM.
Asmaryan, H., Ossetchkina, E., Younes, J., & Grubas, S. (2022). A Techno-Economic Analysis of Geothermal District Heating for the Dene Tha’ First Nations.
Ossetchkina, E., Asmaryan, H., Younes, J., & Grubas, S. (2022). A Feasibility Case-Study of Implementing District Heating for the Dene Tha’ First Nations. Presented at the University of Calgary CREATE ReDeveLoP Annual Innovation Program, Calgary.
Aboayanah, K. R., Popoola, A., Abdelaziz, A., Sun, L., Ossetchkina, E., Peterson, K., & Grasselli, G. (2022). Effect of pre-existing cracks on thermal cracking of granitic rocks under confinement. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 8(4).
Hu, J., Ossetchkina, E., Qiu, Y., Peterson, K., Grasselli, G., & Shah, S. (2019). Mapping fracture networks at the microscale in concrete weight coatings for pipelines. Presented at the 17th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials, University of Toronto, Canada.