Fracture Network of Hydraulically Fractured Montney Rock in the Lab
Fracture Aperture
Fracture Connectivity
If you use this dataset or repository in your research, please cite the following papers:
Li M, Grasselli G. 2025. Segmenting identified fracture families from 3D fracture networks in Montney rock using a deep learning-based method. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering.
Li M, Magsipoc E, Abdelaziz A, Ha J, Peterson K, Grasselli G. 2023. Fracture network in a shale cube hydraulically fractured in the laboratory. Album of Porous Media:Structure and Dynamics. Springer; 45-45.
Li M, Magsipoc E, Abdelaziz A, Ha J, Peterson K, Grasselli G. 2021. Mapping fracture complexity of fractured shale in laboratory: three-dimensional reconstruction from serial section images. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 55(5):2937-2948.